Ready to breathe better, think better, feel better?
“ Breathing to change your state of being"
— Sarah
Your breath is your life force energy. Are you using the force?
The breath offers opportunities for healing- from a place of balance we can grow, soar & uplevel your life
The effective management of your breath helps develop emotional strength and balance in our very stressful world.
Breath is prana- life force.
Prana is grossly expressed by breathing & respiratory functions
If you take away the life force- we no longer exist as we understand in this form
Take away breath = death
How are you using this life force?
Most of the time unconsciously - autonomically ( involuntary or spontaneously)
You are using it to stay alive- to survive.
Unconscious breathing - over breathing, incomplete breathing,
It creates stress & tension in the body & the mind. We breathe into the chest creating tight shoulders & back muscles, a rapid heartbeat & elevated blood pressure.
This style of breathing signals the mind we feel unsafe/overwhelmed. It places us in a nervous system dominance of fight or flight.
Breath coaching teaches you breath awareness. A conscious connection to breathing allowing us to balance our nervous system, unblock energy centres, release trapped energy/emotion.
Using the force to work with you
Amazing Facts About Breathing
You can go for weeks without food, days without water, but only a few minutes without breathing. Breathing has such an immediate impact on your mind and body that even the act of inhaling vs. exhaling affects your nervous system differently. It’s common to train in diet, exercise and even hydration, but almost no one trains their breath. This is a huge missed opportunity for health-seekers.
Did you know…
Breathing can change your blood PH (acid/alkaline) in minutes. No food, exercise or medication acts as quickly.1
You can often determine your dominant nervous system state simply by placing your finger underneath your nostrils and exhaling.
Reduced rate breathing can stimulate a rest and digest, parasympathetic nervous system state to help with sleep, stress, and anxiety.
Rapid, pulsed breathing stimulates a sympathetic nervous system response to increase energy, prepare for exercise, or boost the body’s natural defenses.
Diaphragmatic breathing massages the Vagus Nerve and reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress.2
Severe respiratory conditions like asthma can be successfully managed by increasing CO2 levels in the blood.
Breathing can help reduce the fear of public speaking, improve digestion, reduce insomnia, lower stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
The breath is our most powerful tool to affect our state of being. Most of us have forgotten to use the power of our breath & have developed poor breathing habits that in turn cause poor health. Working with in personal sessions, I’ll teach you to;
⚡️Breathe to manipulate & control your nervous system
⚡️Release physical tension in the body that blocks energy flow & leaves you feeling drained
⚡️Balance your energy body, open your Chakras & connect with a sense of peace
⚡️Implement breathing techniques to powerfully affect your energy, digestion & stress levels
⚡️The benefits of oxygen, carbon dioxide & breath retention & what breath practices to use to benefit from them
⚡️ How to start a breathing practice & powerful rituals to integrate them into your day
Typically we’ll meet between 3 – 5 times around 60 mins so that you can learn all of the tools & be confident in practising them by yourself.
The sessions take place either online via Zoom or in person in therapy rooms in Westgate On Sea, Kent.
75 mins/ £60